The new version lf Audi Q7 SUV is in the Indian markets. In the event conducted in Delhi, Audi Q7 was launched by Virat Kohli, Indian test team captain. The Delhi ex showroom cost of this vehicle is Rs 72 lakhs. Q7 which was fully manufactured in India is less expensive than its former model. The vehicle which utilizes a 3 litre TDA engine has a power of 145.4 bhp and 600nm torque.
The new model is also 600kg lighter than former one. MMI infotainment system is another feature of this. The music system of the vehicle has two usb ports and a 12.3 inch display. Single fame audi grill and new LED tail lambs are also its new features. Q7 45 standard models costs Rs 77.5 lakh in the ex showroom in Delhi.